Recording resources
This page provides downloads of the old (2015) cards and spreadsheets.
The four cards are numbered as follows:
- SE England (RP37) Vice-counties 7-32 and 53-54
- Middle Britain (RP38) Vice-counties 1-6, 33-52 and 55-95 (ie the areas not covered by the SE England and NW Scotland cards).
- NW Scotland (RP39) Vice-counties 96-112.
- Ireland (RP40) Vice-counties H1-H40.
2015 recording cards
The following PDF files can be downloaded and used to print your own cards. Each of the 4 PDF files consists of a front page and 2 back pages – one with BRC numbers and the other without.
2015 recording spreadsheets
The recording spreadsheets are designed to mirror the printed card format and are written in Excel. There are 4 spreadsheets corresponding to the 4 areas as described above.
Header information (date, location, recorder details etc) is completed once on the first sheet, and species ‘crossed off’ by entering an ‘x’ against species’ names on the 2nd sheet. This generates a set of records in the 3rd sheet, each of which contains all the information required for a biological record and are suitable for sending to the Regional or National Recorder.
The spreadsheets are intended to record a single site / single day, as are the printed cards.
Download the relevant spreadsheets here:
Composition of aggregates on the cards
Aggregates are indicated on the cards and spreadsheet by an asterisk, or brackets for those most recently superseded by a narrower definition of the species (e.g. species according to Smith, 2004); the components of the aggregate are detailed on this spreadsheet.