Hedwigia ciliata var leucophaea

HomeNewsHedwigia ciliata var leucophaea

Hedwigia ciliata var leucophaea
Bruch and Schimp.

This species has featured before as a Bryophyte of the Month, back in the 2000’s, but there is always a place for a beautiful (and scarce) bryophyte with a story to tell!

The previous photo was taken by Des Callaghan from a specimen collected at Dore Abbey in Herefordshire. Shortly after he identified his specimen, Sam Bosanquet realised he had the same species from a similar habitat – a stone tiled church roof – in Monmouthshire. Sadly, last year, the roof of this church had to be replaced as the timbers had rotted. But all was not lost. The specialist roofing company brought in to do the work, collaborated with Sam to save many of the roof tiles with Hedwigia attached and keep them safe whilst the timbers were replaced. They were then replaced as closely as possible to their original location and aspect on the new roof.

You can see more images in our Species Finder page at https://www.britishbryologicalsociety.org.uk/learning/species-finder/hedwigia-ciliata/

Published: 1 January 2025