Call for Physcomitrium pyriforme specimens

HomeNewsCall for Physcomitrium pyriforme specimens

You may remember that last year, a team from the US studying Physcomitrium pyriforme requested specimens from Europe to assist in their studies (you can read the post here). The team are still short of European samples, and have just circulated the following request on Bryonet:

Given the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, our ability to conduct field work was seriously hampered. This season is our last chance to acquire populations.

Our appeal for specimens from North America was heard and we received numerous contributions of samples from naturalists and bryologists, via the PhyscoHunt project on iNaturalist.

We are, however, short of European samples. We would be grateful for contributions from across Europe (particular oceanic Europe). Please share this request with regional bryologists that may be able to help.

Contributions would be in the form of specimens or locality information of known and current populations of Physcomitrium.

If you can contribute samples, we seeks collections with ideally closed mature capsules. If you can contribute samples, I will reimburse mailing costs. Please contact me ( about how to sample and send the specimens. We would also include in our study collections that were collected within the last 5 or so years, assuming that they have a minimum of 10 closed capsules.

If you have recently spotted populations, I would appreciate the locality info, as I may consider traveling to Europe to sample populations (although unfortunately not before middle of May).

Thank you for considering this request and I look forward to hearing from you.

Bernard Goffinet, March 2022

Published: 17 March 2022