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Field Bryology issues 103 (Feb 2011) – 126 (Nov 21)

A BBS member from Middlesex is looking to pass on printed editions of Field Bryology from February 2011 (No. 103)to November 2021 (No. 126). If you are interested or know anyone else who might like them, please email

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Changes to BBS Referees

Members please note that there have been a few changes to the list of Referees recently.  If you are sending specimens to a Referee for advice, please check the latest list at log in). Many thanks are due to Matt Stribley who has acted as the General Referee for several years. Sean O’Leary has […]

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National Moss Day: 21st October 2023

As part of the Centenary Year celebrations, the BBS is launching the first National Moss Day in Britain and Ireland.  A range of initiatives, many of them in partnership with other organisations, will be taking place around Britain and Ireland on or around the date of October 21st.

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BBC4 – The Magical World of Moss

A couple of sharp-eyed members have alerted us to a program airing on BBC4 on Wednesday 1st February at 9pm local time. The Magical World of Moss: Documentary that explores the vital role that mosses played in the earth’s evolution and how science is only beginning to unlock the secrets and potential of these amazing […]

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Teesside Autumn Meeting 2022 update 2

The paper reading session on Saturday will feature the speakers as follows: Welcome to Teesside University and the Earth, Ecology and Environment research collective. (1 min) Chris Preston will speak about the value of repeated surveys in bryology (20 mins) Jamie Bojko et al. will speak about the microbiome and viruses associated with Conocephalum conicum and […]

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Teesside Autumn Meeting 2022 update 1

The autumn meeting is getting organised, and I thought of sharing some information to help everybody prepare their trip. I am also putting together the programme for the paper reading session – the session does not have a specific theme and if you would like to present something, whether finished work, plans or bouncing some […]

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Learning about bryophytes in Berkshire

(or how to put a BBS grant to good use) BBS member Frankie Richardson received a grant from the BBS last year to pay for a bryophyte identification training course. Here she reports on the course and what she learned. I recently completed a 6-month bryophyte identification course with Ptyxis Ecology, led by John O’Reilly. […]

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A Supplement to the Liverwort Flora of the British Isles

The long anticipated Supplement to Jean Paton’s Liverwort Flora of the British Isles is now available to pre-order, at a special price for BBS members only, from the Publications section of the website. For more details, please see here. Publication is expected in late March, and it is hoped that there will be copies available to purchase […]

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Guide to common bryophilous fungi

BBS member George Greiff has become fascinated by bryophilous fungi over the last couple of years, and is keen to get other bryologists out there looking. He has written a couple of articles in Field Bryology and is putting together a guide to some of the more common bryophilous fungi you might see. We are hosting […]

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A new home for the Cumulative Index

As many members will know, for many years, Phil Stanley has maintained an index to the contents of the main BBS publications: Field Bryology, Journal of Bryology, the Field Guide and others. He publishes this index along with other publication-related information on his website Earlier this year, Phil approached the BBS Council to see […]

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