Annual General Meeting 2003: Queen Mary College, London

HomeEventsAnnual General Meeting 2003: Queen Mary College, London

5 September 2003 - 6 September 2003

Meeting report

The Annual General Meeting and Bryological Symposium were held at Queen Mary College , University of London on 5-7 September, with Prof. Jeff Duckett as local secretary. This, the first autumn meeting to have been held at the College, proved to be a popular venue for the bryological diaspora, with a total of 54 members attending the symposium and 20 going on to join the Sunday excursion. Participants were housed in the College’s halls of residence at the Mile End Site overlooking the Regent’s Canal in whose murky depths they were both surprised and delighted to find the local bryological jewel Octodiceras fontanum.

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Queen Mary College, London