Annual Meeting 1923: Buxton

HomeEventsAnnual Meeting 1923: Buxton

3 August 1923 - 10 August 1923

Meeting report

The Annual Meeting and Excursion of the British Bryological Society was held at Buxton, Derbyshire, on August 3rd to 10th. There was a fairly good gathering in favourable weather; the more distant parts of the district were visited by parties in motors, and most of the interesting grounds explored. Dove Dale, Chee Dale, Burbage and Via Gellia yielded interesting mosses and hepatics, such as Amblystegium compactum Auct., Eurhynchium teesdalei Schimp., Trichostomum nitidum Schimp., T. mutabile cophocarpum Schimp., Weisia calcarea C.M., Seligeria pusilla B. & S., Barbula convoluta sardoa B. & S., Swartzia inclinata Ehrh., Scapania aspera Bernet, a peculiar form of S. curta (Mart.) Dum., Pedinophyllum interruptum (Nees) Pears., Cololejeunea calcarea (Lib.) Schiffn., C. rossettiana (Mass.) Schiffn., Plagiochila asplenioides humilis f. laxa Schiffn., Chiloscyphus pallescens (Ehrh.) Dum., Lophozia quinquedentata (Huds.) Cogn.,, L. turbinata (Raddi) Steph., L. badensis (Gott.) Schiffn., L. müelleri (Nees) Dum., Aplozia riparia (Tayl.) Dum., Pellia fabbroniana Raddi, Pallavicinia flotowiana (Nees) Lindb., Aneura major (Lindb.) K. Müll., A. pinguis angustior Hook., Metzgeria pubescens (Schrank) Raddi, M. conjugata Lindb., Preissia quadrata (Scop.) Nees, Riccia sorocarpa Bisch.

The next annual meeting and excursion of the Society will be held at Llanberis, at the foot of Snowdon, from August 29th to Sept. 5th, 1924.