Meeting report
The British Bryological Society held its Annual Meeting and Excursion at Llanberis, Carnarvonshire, under the presidency of Mr. H. N. Dixon, M.A., F.L.S., from August 29th to September 5th. There was a fair number present.
Saturday, 30th August, was devoted to exploring Cwm-y-Glô, which was near at hand, as the weather was not very favourable. Sunday afternoon was spent in Llanberis Pass in better weather conditions. Monday found the party exploring the Clogwyn precipices under Snowdon, and on Tuesday there was a drive in cars to Llyn Ogwen. The day was spent in Cwm Idwal around the lake and up to the foot of the Devil’s Kitchen, some taking another route up Cwm Bochlwyd and clambering over the bleak, rocky heights of Glyder Fach. On Wednesday there was a long drive to Beddgelert. Some visited Pont Aberglaslyn and others climbed Moel’r Ogof. Thursday was spent working round Snowdon summit while others made the descent into Cwm Dyli.
Several interesting finds were made, in spite of this being a well-worked district. The most sensational was that of Grimmia andreaeoides Limpr. A plant new to Wales was Grimmia elongata Kaulf., found near Clogwyn Lake and at the head of Cwm Dyli on boulders and rocks. From the latter place Encalypta commutata N. et H. was added to the Welsh Flora, while Catharinea crispa James and its rare variety densifolia Lindb. were found by the Glaslyn River. Other rare mosses which may be mentioned are Grimmia conferta Funck, and Ditrichum zonatum var. scabrifolium Dixon, at Clogwyn-du’r-Arddu; Fissidens polyphyllus Wils. by the Glaslyn; Tortula princeps De Not. on Moel’r Ogof; Leptodontium recurvifolium Lindb., near Llyn Bochlwyd; Oedipodium griffithianum Schwaeg. on Snowdon; Bryum alpinum var. viride Husn. by the Glaslyn; Hypnum callichroum Brid. at Clogwyn; Pterigynandrum filiforme Hedw. and Hypnum dilatatum Wils. in Cwm ldwal and Grimmia incurva Schwaeg. on Glyder Fach (Mr. Nicholson’s Station).
Among the rarer Hepatics were species of Gymnomitrium and Marsupella, especially M. sphacelata (Gies.) Lindb. near Beddgelert; Gymnocolea inflata forma nigricans Nees and Loph. atlantica (Kaal.) Schiffn., near Llanberis; Anthelia juratzkana (Limpr.) Trevis. on Snowdon, and Herberta hutchinsiae (Gottsche) Evans, Scapania ornithopodioides (With.) Pears., and Lophozia obtusa Evans at Clogwyn.
The evenings were enlivened by the members in various ways; two were taken up with the annual business of the Society.
Mr. Dixon having completed his two years of office, his place was taken by the newly elected Vice-President, the Rev. C. H. Binstead, M.A., in the absence of Dr. S. M. Macvicar, President.
Dr. Trotter’s offer to compile a Bibliography of Bryological Literature and, also, to epitomise serial bryological papers published during the year, was much appreciated and accepted. Mr. W. R. Sherrin kindly offered to house the books and specimens belonging to the Society in the South London Botanical Institute and to act as Librarian and Curator for the Society, which offer was gratefully accepted.
The choice of next year’s meeting-place fell on Ross, Herefordshire, for the Wye Valley, August 14-21, for which Miss E. Armitage will be the local secretary. Votes of thanks to the Officers concluded the meeting.
Eleanor Armitage