Meeting report
(Extracted from the Journal of Botany, November 1927, p. 327)
The British Bryological Society held its Annual Meeting and Excursion at Brecon, August 12 to 19, 1927, under the Presidency of the Rev. C. H. Binstead, M.A., F.L.S. About thirty members and friends were present. The weather conditions were somewhat adverse; owing to the heavy rainfall the Usk and the mountain streams were so swollen that the riparian bryophytes were submerged and the waterfalls so overbrimming that the rocks were unapproachable in places. In spite of this, some good work was done, and several records were added to the County Flora. The Brecon Beacons were visited twice; there was some excellent ground on the fine cliffs and crags of Craig Cerig Gleisiad, where ravens and buzzards circled round the cliff-tops. Heavy rain unfortunately curtailed the visit to Sennybridge and the Usk valley. A fine drive across high moorland led the way into the delightful wooded cwm of the Hepste, but the excess of water in the streams and falls made the visit somewhat tantalizing. The results of interest are noted below; new records for v.c. 42 are starred. Mosses:- Sphagnum recurvum var. robustum*, S. cuspidatum vars. falcatum* and plumulosum*, S. inundatum var. diversifolium,* S. auriculatum vars. canovirescens* and ovatum f. intortum*, S. aquatile vars. remotum*, sanguinale*, and pauperatum*, Oligotrichum hercynicum, Polytrichum alpinum, Dicranella secunda*, Fissidens curnowii*, Grimmia torquata, Pottia intermedia*, Barbula rubella var. dentata*, B. ferruginascens, B. recurvifolia*, Weisia calcarea*, Webera cruda, W. proligera*, Bryum atropurpureum var. gracilentum*, B. mildeanum, Plagiothecium pulchellum, Orthothecium intricatum, Hypnum cupressiforme var. mamillatum*, H. stramineum, H. sarmentosum. Hepatics:- Riccia sorocarpa*, R. beyrichiana*, R. crozalsii*, Aneura multifida*, Pellia fabbroniana var. lorea, Blasia pusilla*, Marsupella ustulata, Alicularia scalaris var. procerior*, Eucalyx obovatus, Aplozia sphaerocarpa*, Lophozia muelleri*, L. heterocolpa* (new to Wales), L. bicrenata*, L. excisa, L. attenuata*, Bazzania triangularis*, Scapania aspera*, (Crickhowell).
At the Annual Meeting the Officers were elected, and the work on the revision of the ‘Hepatic Census Catalogue‘ was discussed; many counties require to be examined in detail before a new edition can be issued. North-Eastern Ireland was chosen for next year’s Excursion: date, August 25-31,1928.
Eleonora Armitage