Annual meeting 1937: Bundoran & Achill Island

HomeEventsAnnual meeting 1937: Bundoran & Achill Island

19 June 1937 - 3 July 1937

Meeting report

The Society held its Annual Meeting and Excursion at Bundoran, Co. Donegal, Ireland, from June 19th to 26th, 1937, under the presidentship of Mr. J. B. Duncan, Berwick-on-Tweed. About twenty members and friends were present. Thirteen of the party went on to Achill Island, Co. Mayo (I.27) for another week. In East Donegal (I.34) the Bundoran sand-dunes were explored and two excursions were made up the River Erne- one from Ballyshannon and the other from Belleek; the latter included a small area of Co. Fermanagh (I.33). But the chief interest centred in the range of the Dartry Mountains in Counties Leitrim (I.29) and Sligo (I.28). The excursions here included the attractive valleys of Gleniff with Annacoona Rocks, Sligo, and Glenade, Leitrim; also in Sligo was the huge bluff of Ben Bulben, facing towards the Atlantic with very steep, wet grassy slopes, and, near the summit, the great curved wall of precipitous rock, the jutting cliffs of which are deeply grooved. This walk taxed the climbing powers of the bryologists, though the cliff top was but 1,500 ft., and the grassy summit beyond was 1,700 ft.

A good deal of rain impded the walks on Achill Island (I.27). The bogland near Dugort was interesting, and the cliffs, rocks and corrie of Slievemore held many bryophytes. One day the barren summit (2,204 ft.) of Slievemore was reached. Croaghaun has precipices of over 1,000 feet. At Keel and Doonagh were sandy stretches of beach.

The Annual Meeting took place on June 22nd. The follow elections were made:- President and Treasurer, Mr. J. B. Duncan; Vice-President, Miss E. Armitage; Secretary, Mr. A. Thompson. Mr. H. N. Dixon and Rev. C. H. Binstead are now Honorary Members, elected at Cheltenham, 1936. The next Meeting is to be at Llangollen for the Berwyns, in August, 1938.

The Sphagnum list has been collated by Mr. A. Thompson; all are new V.C. Records. Most of the Mosses and Hepatics are also new or interesting.


  1. warnstorfii Russ., Ben Bulben, (I.28); Bundoran (I.34).
    S. rubellum Wils., Tullaghan (I.29).
    S. subtile W., Slievemore (I.27).
    S. quinquefarium W., Ben Bulben and Gleniff (I.28).
    S. plumulosum Röll., Glenade and Tullaghan (I.29).
    S. compactum De C., var. imbricatum W., Glenade (I.29); Castle Caldwell (I.33).
    S. squarrosum Russ. var. spectabile Russ., Tullaghan, (I.29); near Keel Lough (I.27); var. subsquarrosum Russ., Tullaghan (I.29); Bundoran (I.34).
    S. amblyphyllum Russ., var. macrophyllum W., near Keel Lough (I.27); Ben Bulben (I.28); var. mesophyllum W., near Keel Lough (I.27); Tullaghan (I.29).
    S. pulchrum W., Glenade (I.29).
    S. recurvum P. de B., var. robustum Breid., Ben Bulben (I.28); var. majus Ångstr., Slievemore and near Keel Lough (I.27); Gleniff and Ben Bulben (I.28); Glenade and Tullaghan (I.29).
    S. fallax von K., var. robustum W., Glenade (I.29).
    S. cuspidatum Ehrh., var. falcatum Russ., Ben Bulben and Cliffony, (I.28); Bundoran (I.34); var. submersum Schp., near Keel Lough (I.27); Ben Bulben (I.28); var. plumulosum Schp., Slievemore (I.27); var. serratum (Aust.), Bundoran (I.34).
    S. molluscum Bruch, Glenade (I.29).
    S. holtii W., Slievemore (I.27).
    S. obesum Wils., Tullghan (I.29); var. plumosum Warnst., Slievemore (I.27); var. teretiramosum W., Achill Island (I.27); Ben Bulben (I.28); var. canovirens W., Glenade (I.29); near Keel Lough (I.27); var. hemi-isophyllum W., Slievemore (I.27).
    S. subsecundum Nees, Tullaghan (I.29).
    S. inundatum W., var. robustum (W.) Sherrin, Cliffony (I.28); Castle Caldwell (I.33); var. eurycladum (W.) Sherrin, Castle Caldwell (I.33); Bundoran (I.34); var. lancifolium W., Tullaghan (I.29); Castle Caldwell (I.33); var. densum (W.) Sherrin, Bundoran (I.34); var. diversifolium W., Glenade (I.29).
    S. auriculatum Schp., var. ovatum W., near Keel Lough and Slievemore (I.27); Castle Caldwell (I.33); var. laxifolium W., Castle Caldwell (I.33); var. submersum W., Meenaun Cliffs and bog near Keel and Slievemore (I.27); var. racemosum W., Ben Bulben (I.28).
    S. crassicladum W., var. diversifolium W., near Keel Lough (I.27); Castle Caldwell (I.33).
    S. camusii W., Slievernore and near Keel Lough (I.27); Tullaghan (I.29); Cliffony (I.28).
    S. platyphyllum W., Castle Caldwell (I.33).
    S. imbricatum Hornsch., var. cristatum W., near Keel Lough (I.27).
    S. papillosum Lindb., var. normale W., Ben Bulben (I.28); Glenade and Tullaghan (I.29) ; Castle Caldwell (I.33); var. sublaeve Limpr., near Keel (I.27).
    S. magellanicum Brid., near Keel Lough (I.27); Cliffony (I.28); Tullaghan (I.29).


(New County Records starred).

Swartzia montana c. fr., Gleniff (I.28); S. inclinata, Gleniff (I.28). Seligeria pusilla, Annacoona (I.28*); S. tristicha, Annacoona (I.28*); Glenade (I.29*), new to Ireland; S. recurvata, Glenade (I.29). Brachyodes trichodes, Ben Bulben (I.28*); Dichodontium pellucidum var. compactum, Gleniff (I.28*). Dicranella heteromalla, Gleniff (I.28*); D. cerviculata, Cliffony (I.28*). Campylopus pyriformis, Ben Bulben (I.28*). Dicranum bonjeani var. rugifolium, Bundoran (I.34*). Fissidens viridulus var. lylei, Ballyshannon, (I.34*); F. pusillus, Gleniff (I.28); F. crassipes, River Erne, Belleek (I.33*); F. rufulus, River Erne, Belleek (I.33*). Campylostelium saxicola, Ben Bulbin (I.28*). Tortula ruraliformis (I.34); T. intermedia, Ballyshannon (I.34*). Barbula lurida, Bundoran (I.34*); B. ferruginascens, Ben Bulben (I.28*); B. recurvifolia, Bundoran, (I.34*); Glenade (I.29); B. recurvifolia var. robusta, Glenade (I.29*), only known before from Ben Bulben (I.28). Leptodontium flexifolium, Glenade (I.29*). Weisia tenuis, Ben Bulben (I.28); W. calcarea c. fr., Ben Bulben (I.28*); W. curvirostris, Glenade (I.29*); W. curvirostris var. insignis, Glenade (I.29*), only known before from Ben Bulben (I.28); W. curvirostris var. commutata, Bundoran (I.34*), new to Ireland; W. verticillata, Bundoran (I.34). Trichostomum crispulum var. elatum, Ben Bulben (I.28*); var. brevifolium, Bundoran sand-dunes (I.34*), new to Ireland; T. mutabile var. cophocarpum, Ben Bulben (I.28); Glenade (I.29). T. tortuosum var. fragilifolium, Truskmore (I.29*); Bundoran (I.34*). Encalypta commutata, summit of Ben Bulben, Annacoona, c. fr., (I.28). Anoectangium compactum, Gleniff (I.28). Ulota vittata, Gleniff (I.28). Orthotrichum saxatile, Gleniff (I.28); O. cupulatum var. nudum, Bundoran (I.34*); O. tenellum, on hawthorn by River Erne, Ballyshannon (I.34*), also O. pulchellum. Amblyodon dealbatus, Annacoona (I.28). Timmia norvegica, Gleniff (I.28). Catoscopium nigritum, slack in sand-dunes, Bundoran (I.34*). Breutelia arcuata, Gleniff (I.28); Glenade (I.29) c. fr. Plagiobryum zierii, summit of Ben Bulben (I.28). Bryum filiforme, Ben Bulben (I.28); Ballyshannon (I.34). B. pendulum, Bundoran (I.34). B. inclinatum, Annacoona (I.28*); Kinlough (I.29*); B. obconicum, Bundoran (I.34*); B. murale, Belleek (I.33). Mnium affine var. elatum, Ben Bulben (I.28*); M. serratum, Glenade (I.29*), Belleek (I.33*); M. orthorrhynchum, Truskmore (I.29*); M. stellare, Gleniff (I.28). Neckera crispa var. falcata, Ben Bulben (I.28). Pterygophyllum lucens (I.29). Heterocladium heteropterum var. fallax, River Duff (I.28*). Thuidium abietinum (I.34); T. delicatulum, Ben Bulben (I.28*); T. philiberti, Bundoran (I.34*). Cylindrothecium concinnum, Bundoran (I.34). Orthothecium rufescens (I.34), (I.29); O. intricatum, Gleniff (I.28), in fruit, which is very rare. Camptothecium lutescens (I.34). Brachythecium salebrosum var. palustre, Bundoran (I.34*). Eurhynchium swartzii var. rigidum, River Erne (I.34*); E. pumilum, Erne Valley (I.34*); E. teesdalei (I.28), (I.33), near River Erne, Belleek (I.34*); E. tenellum, Erne Valley and Bundoran (I.34*). Plagiothecium depressum, Annacoona (I.28*), River Erne (I.34*). Hyocomium flagellare, Glenade (I.29*). Amblystegium sprucei, Annacoona (I.28), Glenade (I.29*); A. confervoides, Gleniff (I.28); A. serpens var. salinum, Bundoran (I.34); A. kochii, Bundoran (I.34*). Hypnum polygamum (I.34); H. chrysophyllum, River Erne (I.33); H. falcatum var. gracilescens, Annacoona (I.28*), new to Ireland; H. cupressiforme var. tectorum, Bundoran (I.34*); var. elatum, Bundoran (I.34); H. palustre, Ballyshannon (I.34*); H. stramineum, Ben Bulben (I.28*); H. cordifolium, and H. giganteum, Bundoran (I.34). Hylocomium brevirostre, Glenade (I.29).


Campylopus schwarzii, Croaghaun (I.27). Dicranum uncinatum, Croaghaun (I.27). Barbula recurvifolia, Dugort (I.27*). Ulota crispa, Croaghaun (I.27); U. hutchinsiae, Slievemore (I.27). Splachnum ampullaceum, Dugort (I.27). Funaria templetoni (I.27). Webera elongata, Croaghaun (I.27*). Bryum pendulum (I.27*); B. turbinatum, The Valley (I.27*).


Aneura pinguis, Bundoran sand-dunes (I.34*); A. palmata, Croaghaun and Slievemore (I.27). Metzgeria conjugata, Glenade (I.29*). Pellia fabbroniana, Bundoran (I.34*). Fossombronia angulosa, Dugort (I.27). Lophozia bantriensis, Glenade (I.29*); L. excisa, Ben Bulben (I.28). Plagiochila asplenioides var. minor, Erne Valley (I.34*), and forma laxa, Erne Valley (I.34*) (new to Ireland); var. humils forma laxa, Erne Valley (I.34*), new to Ireland; P. spinulosa, Ben Bulben (I.28). Leptoscyphus taylori, Ben Bulben (I.28*); L. cuneifolius, Croaghaun (I.27). Cephalozia connivens, Dugort (I.27). Nowellia curvifolia, Dugort (I.27)*. Adelanthus dugortiensis, Dugort (I.27), refound, but not plentifully, in its only locality. Bazzania tricrenata (I.27), Glenade (I.29*). Blepharostoma trichophyllum (I.28), Glenade (I.29*). Herberta hutchinsiae (I.27). Mastigophora woodsii, Dugort (I.27). Trichocolea tomentella, Glenade (I.29). Scapania aspera, Bundoran sand-dunes (I.34*); S. dentata var. ambigua, Dugort (I.27*); S. umbrosa, Ben Bulben (I.28*). Radula aquilegia, Croaghaun, (I.27). Pleurozia purpurea (I.27). Madotheca laevigata, lime rocks, Erne Valley (I.34*). Lejeunea patens, Ben Bulben (I.28), (I.29). Harpalejeunea ovata, Croaghaun (I.27), Glenade (I.29). Marchesinia mackaii, Iime rocks, Erne Valley (I.34*). Frullania germana, Slievemore (I.27), Ben Bulben (I.28*). Anthoceros punctatus, Dugort (I.27).

Eleonora Armitage


Bundoran & Achill Island