BRECOG Workshop 2006: Imperial College, London

HomeEventsBRECOG Workshop 2006: Imperial College, London

10 March 2006 - 12 March 2006

Workshop report

This year’s workshop was used to launch the Bryophyte Ecology Group ( BRECOG), a new specialist section of the Society. This was held at Silwood Park, the ‘country campus’ of Imperial College London, on the edge of Windsor Great Park near Ascot, Berkshire. Approximately 40 people were present for the Saturday session which was devoted to a series of 30-minute talks by invited speakers under the general heading, Ecological traits of common British bryophytes: what should we measure and how? Many also joined Professor Mick Crawley’s interesting botanical tour of the grounds before the talks got underway. About half the party stayed overnight on Saturday and joined the local organizer Jeff Bates and his wife Joyce at The Hatchet pub in nearby Cranbourne for a very enjoyable evening meal. The majority also took part in a trial of a simple quadrat-based technique for recording bryophyte habitats on the Sunday morning.

Download the meeting report

Imperial College, London