Meeting details
Our first meeting will be at Symonds Yat which the group visited previously with Richard Lansdown in 2017. This is a bryological hotspot for Gloucestershire, and we saw Anomodon longifolius, Orthothecium intricatum, Blindiadelphus campylopodus, Tortula marginata, Lophocolea fragrans and Scleropodium tourettii amongst others.
Meet in the Forestry Commission car park SO563157 for a 10.30 start. The car parking charge has increased considerably to £7, so you may wish to consider car sharing.
Our provisional plan is to walk down to the River Wye and along to the Slaughter, then up Whippington Brook and back along the top back to the car park, but this may of course change on the day and the whim of the leaders 🙂
Please bring packed a packed lunch, wet weather gear and stout footwear.
Please ensure that you download and read the Risk Assessment below before the meeting
Download the Risk Assessment