Irish Group: Liffey Head Bog, Co. Wicklow

HomeEventsIrish Group: Liffey Head Bog, Co. Wicklow

24 February 2024 (10:30 - 13:30)

Leader: Joanne Denyer (email:; tel: 086 2379153)

This is a joint meeting of the DNFC and Irish Bryophyte Group. We will explore the blanket bog and bog pools in and around Liffey Head Bog. The focus will be on identifying Sphagnum (bog mosses), but we will look at other blanket bog bryophytes that we encounter. Beginners very welcome. Wear wellies and very warm clothes as it will be cold at this time of year. This will be a half day meeting because it is likely to be cold.

Meet at 10:30am at Kippure car park (O 1411 1417) on the Military Road (R115).


Liffey Head Bog, Co. Wicklow