Lothians Group: : Roslin Glen, Midlothian

HomeEventsLothians Group: : Roslin Glen, Midlothian

22 February 2025 (10:30 - 14:30)


Meeting details

Location: Roslin Glen, Midlothian
Leader: Neil Bell

Roslin Glen is a steep-sided gorge on the River North Esk just south of Edinburgh with semi-natural ancient woodland supporting an abundance of bryophytes, including a few rarities. An exciting recent development is the refinding late last year of the UK Critically Endangered Orthodontium gracile, previously not seen there for 25 years. This is currently the only known site in Scotland, and while we will search for other candidate populations it’s usually not possible to make definitive identifications of the species in the field. The rare Conardia compacta was previously known from rocks beside Roslin Castle, and while it has not been seen there for a number of years it will be worth conducting a cursory search. The Glen is also the type locality for Tetrodontium brownianum, which is usually fairly easy to see at one location beside the river. As well as the opportunity to search for rarities this will be a chance to experience an attractive and diverse display of common woodland bryophytes in one of the best semi-natural woodlands near Edinburgh.

It’s possible to get a number 37 bus from Princes St. or The Bridges, alighting at the “Original Rosslyn Hotel” stop. Importantly however, you need to get a bus towards Deanburn, NOT Easter Bush, as the latter bypasses Roslin (there are two alternative routes for the 37 going in this direction). For those coming by car there should be plenty of space in the free carpark.

We will be on moderately steep, narrow public footpaths going down into the Glen and will possibly have a few minor obstacles to negotiate (fallen tree trunks across path, slippery rocks beside river). Paths are likely to be muddy. Bring packed lunch and hand lens and wear suitable clothing and footwear.

Meet in the Roslin Chapel carpark, NT 273 631, at 10:30, aiming to finish around 14:30

Please contact David Adamson davidadamson32@gmail.com no later than Friday 14/02/25 if you wish to attend


Rosslyn Chapel (parking)