Lucia, Sue, Pamela and Catharine amongst the dunes
Meeting report
Another day of glorious weather for the North Wales non Flowering Plant Group as Storm Franklin swept across the British Isles. A small group of us gathered in the teeth of the gale by the sand dunes near Traeth Lydan, Rhosneigr on Anglesey. We headed straight out towards the sea but were soon driven back from the western edge of the dunes by airblown sand and made our way, with the wind at our backs, towards a series of dune slacks. The usual dune species were quickly identified, Brachythecium albicans, Homalothecium lutescens, Hypnum cupressiforme var. lacunosum, Barbula unguiculata, Syntrichia ruraliformis, Bryum capillare and B.argenteum. Bryum dichotomum was found with its green bulbils nestling in the leaf axils. Calliergionella cuspidata carpeted the areas around the dune slacks and everyone had a good look for Bryums. Patches of Fissidens adianthoides, Cratoneuron filicinum and Aneura pinguis were collected from amidst a large expanse of Molinia and Schoenus nigricans. A patch of Tortella flavovirens was found at the edge of a newly created artificial slack.
Rain stopped play at lunchtime and we all repaired to Lucia’s temporary abode, a caravan at her recently acquired new property, for a welcome cup of tea. After lunch we made a tour inspecting the garden shrubs, finding some cushions of Plenogemma phyllantha and looking at a host of mortar loving bryophytes on the various walls around the place. Nothing very exciting but an enjoyable outing on a most unpromising stormy day.