Meeting details
Courtesy of Go Wild Scotland and the Ranger Lisa McLeish.
Leader: David Long
Bring: packed lunch, warm and waterproof clothes, boots or wellingtons advised.
Meet: 10.30 am at Selkirk Leisure Centre car park NT4645 2880
Route: From north take A68 south to Earlston and Leaderfoot, turning right on to Melrose by-pass A6091, continue almost to Galashiels then take A7 south almost to Selkirk. Take right turn at Riverside Park/Suzuki garage and along B7014 past Oregon timber yard for about 2 km (Buccleuch Road) and turn right signposted South Riverside, then first left signposted Selkirk Victoria Campsite, under a barrier then go to the far side of car park close to the river (not visible).
Excursion: from the car park we will follow the footpath south-west parallel to the Ettrick Water, under the modern road bridge and enter the community woodland, all in the monad NT4628.
Notes: I have made a very short walk around the woodland with Lisa, and noted a good bryoflora. We plan a circular walk around the site including damp woodland with Ash, Willows, Elders, Norway Maple, Bird Cherry, Blackthorn, etc. A good range of epiphytes include *Pylaisia polyantha, Pulvigera lyellii, Cryphaea heteromalla and Homalia trichomanoides. On mud by the pond is Trichodoncylindricus and Riccia sorocarpa. On the woodland path I found *Bryoerythrophyllum campylocarpum in its second Scottish locality. On the base of the bridge column is Cinclidotus fontinaloides.
*New to vc 79