Spring meeting 2025: Freiburg, Germany

HomeEventsSpring meeting 2025: Freiburg, Germany

5 April 2025 - 12 April 2025

Please contact Philippa Thompson philippabryology@outlook.com to register interest in this meeting.

Leader: Michael Luth

The group will be based in Freiburg with accommodation at the StayInn: https://www.stayinn-freiburg.de

The meeting will include a visit to the wine region of Kaiserstuhl where the geology is loess overlying volcanic rocks, with species such as Tortula vahliana, T.brevissima, Pterigoneurum lammelatum, and  P.subsessile. There will be epiphytes like Orthotrichum rogeri found around Freiburg itself. Bryum gemmiparum and Cinclidotus danubicus may be found on rocks in the River Rhine and there will be visits to the sandstone, gneiss and granite of the Black Forest, depending on snow conditions. There will also be a chance for a sightseeing tour of the old town of Freiburg on, at least, one evening.

Contact Philippa Thompson philippabryology@outlook.com to register interest in this meeting.