Meeting report
Following the first week of the summer field meeting, most of the participants headed home, leaving a hard core of five reprobates (Roy Jeffery, Liz Kungu, Mark Lawley, Seán O’Leary and Mark Pool) to pass a joyful week scampering over the hills of East Perthshire (v.-c. 89) in search of bryophytes. Unbroken sunshine blessed each day save the last, and with England melting in a heat wave, we gave thanks as delightful mountain breezes caressed our brows and cooled our backs.
Rather than exploring classic bryological hot spots, we sought out little-known localities in order to extend the sum of knowledge. Several of these were far from tarmac, and Martin Robinson gave invaluable assistance by securing permission from landowners to drive several miles along tracks on private estates. This saved us long walks, and left a lot more time for bryologising.
Download the meeting report