Summer meeting 2003: Kindrogan, Perthshire

HomeEventsSummer meeting 2003: Kindrogan, Perthshire

5 July 2003 - 12 July 2003

Meeting report

The first week of the summer field meeting was based at Kindrogan Field Centre near Pitlochry, which is now being managed by the Field Studies Council. The meeting was unusual insofar as the first three days were taken up by a workshop on the genus Schistidium, led by Dr Hans Blom. Other features of the meeting were the availability of a laboratory, which meant that specimens could be examined in the evenings, and the presence of a four-strong Czech contingent. Participants staying at the Centre were John Blackburn (Wednesday-Thursday), Sam Bosanquet, Blanka Buryová, Richard Fisk, Jan Kučera, Elizabeth Kungu, Mark Lawley, Peter Martin (Saturday-Tuesday), Vita Plasek, Mark Pool (Thursday onwards), Chris Preston (Saturday-Tuesday), Gordon Rothero, Jonathan Sleath and Magda Zmrhalová, as well as Hans Blom and his lichenologist wife Dr Louise Lindblom (Saturday-Tuesday). Roy Perry joined the excursions on Friday and Saturday, and Joe Hope swelled the numbers on Monday and Tuesday. Ron Porley stayed in Pitlochry (to be near the Moulin Ale, which then turned out to be on tap in the Centre!). Martin Robinson was within walking distance of his house.

The excursions explored upland areas close to Kindrogan, with the exception of Craighall Gorge, which is a lowland site. All localities visited were in East Perthshire (v.-c. 89). There was a slight bias towards middle-altitude limestone and schistose crags and base-rich flushes, with which the area is very well endowed. Recording was carried out on a 5-km square basis, and so, although much of the area is bryologically quite well known, considerable progress was made on finer-grain mapping.

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Kindrogan, Perthshire