Summer meeting 2005: Co. Fermanagh and Co. Leitrim, Ireland

HomeEventsSummer meeting 2005: Co. Fermanagh and Co. Leitrim, Ireland

30 July 2005 - 10 August 2005

Meeting report

The headquarters for the summer meeting was at the Field Studies Council’s (FSC’s) Derrygonnelly Centre in Co. Fermanagh, north-western Ireland . It was strategically located so that fieldwork could be divided between some of the richest areas for bryophytes in the Republic of Ireland (Co. Leitrim, v.-c. H29 and Co. Cavan, v.-c. H30) and Northern Ireland ( Co. Fermanagh, v.-c. H33). The FSC Centre is located on the edge of the large village of Derrygonnelly . Besides accommodation and space for three BBS members to camp in the grounds, it provided meals, packed lunches, a drying room, a laboratory for microscopy in the evenings and a small bar.

It was hoped that the results of the fieldwork would contribute to the information available for a forthcoming Red Data Book of Irish Bryophytes and this proved to be the case. Numerous significant records of rarities were made, including two moss species new to Ireland . In addition, a large body of data was accumulated towards the Society’s new Atlas, including information from several poorly known areas (in Co. Monaghan, v.-c. H32 and East Donegal , v.-c. H34).

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Co. Fermanagh and Co. Leitrim, Ireland