Wessex Group: Hincheslea Bog, New Forest

HomeEventsWessex Group: Hincheslea Bog, New Forest

31 October 2021 (10:30 - 16:00)

Leaders: John Norton and Andrew Branson

This joint meeting with the Southern Group is to an area in the south part of the Forest which has been quite poorly recorded, so who knows what we may find. There is a variety of habitats here, including wet heath and bog, on the Forest’s base-rich Headon Beds, with records for Sphagnum contortum and S. teres from one area. Wellies are recommended.

Meet at the Longslade Bottom car park at SU 269001, just north of Set Thorns Inclosure, off minor road between Brockenhurst and Sway.


Hinchelsea Bog