Grimmia dissimulata

HomeLearningSpecies FinderGrimmia dissimulata

Identification notes

The hoary-looking leaves and dense, low-growing patches of this plant make it relatively easy to identify as a Grimmia, but otherwise it is a bit anonymous looking.

If you bear in mind that of the 29 species of Grimmia known in Britain and Ireland, only 4 consistently grow on limestone and other hard base-rich substrates, that makes identification easier, as G. dissimulata is one of those.

Of the other calcicoles, G. pulvinata and G. orbicularis are rarely found without capsules, leaving only G. dissimulata and G. tergestina, which don’t have them. G. dissimulata strongly resembles G. trichophylla, from which it was only distinguished in 2002. Some older records of G. trichophylla from limestone (it is a calcifuge) are likely to be G. dissimulata. G. tergestina is a rarer, much hoarier-looking moss that is mainly found on soft Jurassic limestone in the Cotswolds.

Distribution in Great Britain and Ireland

View distribution from the BBS Atlas 2014

Resources you may find useful

Maier, E. 2002. Grimmia dissimulata E. Maier sp. nova, and the taxonomic position of Grimmia trichophylla var. meridionalis Mull. Hal. (Musci, Grimmiaceae). Candollea 56: 281-300.
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The Bryophyte identification page under Resources contains additional information on the genus Grimmia.

Bryophyte identification resources

Similar Species

See also Grimmia lisae