Identification notes
In lowland areas, this slender calcifugous liverwort is often confined to decaying fallen wood or stumps in woodland. It likes a sheltered, humid spot and is rare in many drier areas. In the north and west, it is often one of a diverse community of bryophytes which share its deadwood habitat, including Leucobryum albidum, Mnium hornum, Scapania nemorea, S. gracilis, S. umbrosa, Cephalozia curvifolia, Dicranum scoparium and Riccardia palmata. On stumps it is frequently found with Orthodontium lineare and Tetraphis pellucida. In high rainfall areas it can also be found on rocky moorland slopes, heathy banks and other sheltered places out in the open.
L. reptans can form large, creeping patches which are always a striking, pale to bright green colour. Although its leaves are very distinctive, the way they curl inwards (especially when dry) might fool you into thinking it is something else. It always reveals its true colours under a microscope though.
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