Identification notes
This uncommon species is essentially a plant of exposed tree roots and branches in the flood zone of the middle reaches of lowland rivers, usually on alder or willow. It frequently occurs with Leskea polycarpa but tends to be more fussy and forms smaller patches in a more restricted area. Usually it is encrusted with silt, and seems to prefer horizontal surfaces.
Telling it apart from Leskea polycarpa is not always easy. The leaves tend not to be so appressed or as dull as in Leskea, but the best way of telling it in the field is to look at the leaves with a hand lens. Leskea has a strong nerve that is easily visible and small cells that cannot be distinguished easily with a hand lens. Myrinia has a weak nerve that is not always visible and larger cells that can be seen with a x20 lens. It fruits relatively frequently, but not as abundantly as Leskea which has a longer seta.
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