Welcome to the BBS
Thank you for registering for BBS membership.
You should receive a Welcome email to the email address you registered with (please check your Junk mail folder if you do not receive this within a few minutes).
If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider completing a Gift Aid Declaration to allow us to reclaim the tax on your subscription (see below for more details).
If you have any other queries, please contact the Membership Secretary at membership@britishbryologicalsociety.org.uk
Gift Aid
If you live in the UK and pay tax on the income used to pay your subscription, please consider helping the BBS by completing a Gift Aid declaration to allow us to reclaim the tax on your subscription. If you Gift Aid your donation, the BBS will receive an extra 25p from HM Revenue and Customs for every £1 you give us. To qualify for Gift Aid, you must pay an amount of UK Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax at least equal to the tax that the charity reclaims on your donations in the appropriate tax year (currently 25p for each £1 given).
If you claim your BBS subscription as an allowable expense against your income for income tax purposes, for example if you are a professional bryologist, please note that you have not paid tax on the income used to pay your subscription and you must not complete this form. Similarly, if your employer pays your subscription on your behalf you must not complete this form.
You can complete the declaration online (preferred), or download a form to fill out and send to the Membership Secretary via email or post. Please select the appropriate link below.
Complete the Gift Aid Declaration online Download a Gift Aid Declaration form