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Become a member Log in to your accountSome unexpected mires and flushes in Exmoor. Andrew Branson
Population status and ecology of Sphagnum balticum at Muckle Moss. Des Callaghan
Axenic culture of bryophytes in the home. Jonathan Sleath
Can we learn anything about bryophyte change from repeated site surveys? Chris Preston
Notes from the Natural History Museum (BM): the bryophyte collections past, present and future. Len Ellis, Jo Wilbraham, Lil Stevens and Silvia Pressel
BBS Spring meeting 2023: Rosthwaite, 25 March –1 April. Clare Shaw
Rare and Interesting 20. Sam Amy
The Hidden World of Mosses. Jonathan Sleath
Future Meetings. Philippa Thompson
The 16-month reproductive cycles of Polytrichum formosum and P. juniperinum. Jeff Duckett and Silvia Pressel
Calypogeia suecica in Britain and Ireland. Rory Whytock
Leptodontium gemmascens: a metal-tolerant moss or a pure metallophyte? Dirk De Beer, Kasper Van Acker and Tobias Ceulemans
Fires, drought, extinction and regeneration. Jeff Duckett, Jill Kowal, Liz Andrew and Silvia Pressel
Marchantia phenology appeal. Jeff Duckett
Bryophyte distribution data in iRecord. Sam Amy and Oli Pescott
Considerations for the future of the BBS database. Oli Pescott and Sam Amy
BBS Summer meeting 2022: Jura, 19–24 June. Rory Whytock
BBS Autumn meeting 2022: Teesside University, 9–11 September. Ambroise Baker
The liverwort year – 2022. Nick Hodgetts
The moss year – 2022. Sharon Pilkington
Council Newsletter No 39. Liz Kungu
Annual General Meeting 2023. D.J. Scott
Election of Officers and Elected Members of Council, Changes to the Rules. D.J. Scott
National Moss Day. Philippa Thompson
Future meetings. Philippa Thompson
Intercontinental fieldwork with a near zero carbon footprint: hornworts in Jamaica. Jeff Duckett and Liz Andrew
Patterns of bryophyte recording in Britain and Ireland since the 2014 Atlas. Sam Amy and Oli Pescott
Five things that could be done when surveying bryophyte populations of conservation concern. Des Callaghan
Responses of Sphagnum austinii and S. beothuk on Cors Fochno to significant habitat improvement. Des Callaghan, Justin Lyons and Fred Slater
Some Sutherland hills. Gordon Rothero
Kiaeria blyttii, Racomitrium lanuginosum and forestry in Roxburghshire. Rod Corner
BBS Spring meeting 2022: Truro, 26 March–1 April. Philippa Thompson
An appeal from the Membership Secretary. Claire Halpin
The BBS centenary photography competition 2023. Philippa Thompson
Future Meetings. Lucia Ruffino
Bryum gemmilucens in vivo and in vitro. Jonathan Sleath
Microbryum davallianum (Sm.) R.H.Zander in Britain and Ireland. Sharon Pilkington
Bryophytes of France: the alpine flora of the eastern Queyras. Andrew Hodgson
How under-recorded is Weissia wilsonii in Britain? Des Callaghan
Michael Proctor (1929–2017): a botanical polymath. John and Hilary Birks
A Bibliography of M.C.F. Proctor’s Publications (online only) Cathy R. Jenks, Timothy Loe, H. John B. Birks
BBS Autumn meeting 2021: Barmouth, 11–17 September. Margaret Crittenden
The liverwort year – 2021. Nick Hodgetts
The moss year – 2021. Sharon Pilkington
Drizzle, Midges (Misery!) and Moss. Welcome to the Rainforests of Britain and Ireland!. John Birks
Council Newsletter No 38. Agneta Burton
Annual General Meeting 2022. D.J. Scott
Field Bryology – change of joint editor. C.D. Preston
Election of Officers and Elected Members of Council. D.J. Scott
BBS Referees – a 2020 Checklist update. Sharon Pilkington
Future meetings. Lucia Ruffino
Rapid response to conservation scrapes by Ditrichum cornubicum. Des Callaghan
The status of Leptodontium gemmascens in Britain: an update. Richard Lansdown & Fred Rumsey
The building of a website – a personal perspective. Claire Halpin
Tortula pallida in England and Wales. Sam Bosanquet
Didymodon tophaceus subsp. sicculus on Lundy Island, new to Britain. Peter Martin
On the occurrence of Riccia warnstorfii in Britain. Christian Berg, Martina Pöltl & Des Callaghan
Studying bryophilous fungi on Frullania dilatata. George Greiff
Glencoe. Gordon Rothero
Asterosiphon: a rare alga found in muddy places. Chris Carter
Second edition of the Field Guide.
Future meetings. Lucia Ruffino
Trial reintroduction of Dicranum undulatum. Des Callaghan
Targionia hypophylla in south-central and eastern England. Fred Rumsey
The Eastern Cairngorms. Gordon Rothero
Racomitrium obtusum in Britain and Ireland. Tom Ottley
A tale of two fires: heathland bryophyte successions at Thursley Common. Silvia Pressel, Jill Kowal & Jeff Duckett
Are agri-environment schemes beneficial to arable specialist bryophytes in Switzerland?. Irene Bisang, Norbert Schnyder & Ariel Bergamini
The liverwort year – 2020. Nick Hodgetts
The moss year – 2020. Sharon Pilkington
Drizzle, Midges (Misery!) and Moss. Welcome to the Rainforests of Britain and Ireland!. John Birks
Council Newsletter No 37. Agneta Burton
Annual General Meeting 2021. D.J. Scott
Field Bryology – change of joint editor. C.D. Preston
Election of Officers and Elected Members of Council. D.J. Scott
BBS Referees – a 2020 Checklist update. Sharon Pilkington
Future meetings. Lucia Ruffino
Ceratodons side-by-side. Rachel Carter
The Aonachs and the Grey Coires. Gordon Rothero
Dicranella howei in Britain. Tom Blockeel
‘Bartramia stricta’ in Sussex in the 1860s. Brad Scott
Bryophytes of the Pindus Mountains in Greece. Tom Blockeel
The magic and enchantment of bryophytes. Jeff Scott
BBS ‘Summer’ meeting 2019: Wicklow, 18–21 October. Jo Denyer & Rory Hodd
Recording Secretary’s report. Oliver L Pescott
Regional Recorder vacancies
New Census Catalogue – Call for Records
Future meetings. Lucia Ruffino
Rare and Interesting 19. Oli Pescott
A coincidence of elders. Howard Matcham & Jeff Duckett
Orkney’s arable bryophytes. Chris D. Preston, John Crossley & Mark Hill
Sphagnum divinum and Sphagnum medium in Britain and Ireland. Mark Hill
Moss alert!! How I acquired a bryophyte habit! Philippa Thompson
Bryophyte recording in Hungary in the 21st century. Peter Erzberger
John Blackburn (1930–2019). Tom L. Blockeel
Robin Stevenson (1942–2019). Chris D. Preston
Bryophytes and lichens of Letterewe. Oliver Moore. 2019. Nick Hodgetts
BBS Spring meeting 2019: North Devon, 11–16 April. Mark Pool
BBS Summer meeting 2019: Kenmare, 7–13 July. Rory Hodd
BBS Autumn Meeting 2019: Leicester, 4-6 October. Uta Hamzaoui
Council Newsletter No 36. Martin Godfrey
Election of Officers and Elected Members of Council. D. J. Scott
Annual General Meeting 2020. D. J. Scott
Future meetings. Lucia Ruffino
The liverwort year – 2019. Nick Hodgetts
The moss year – 2019. Tom L. Blockeel
Mucilaginous algae and their impacts on bryophytes. Sam Bosanquet & Des Callaghan