Vice-county 20 (Hertfordshire)

HomeRecordingVice-county explorerVice-county 20 (Hertfordshire)

Local Meetings

The Hertfordshire Natural History Society run a number of meetings focussing on Bryophytes most years. Check their website for details, or contact Agneta for more information.

Resources you may find useful

Bloom, G. 1982. The mosses and liverworts of Hertfordshire and some important sites. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society28: 76-92.

Bloom, G. 1983. The mosses and liverworts of Hertfordshire and some important sites 2. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society, 29: 21-25.

Swinscow, T.D.V. 1959. A bryophyte flora of Hertfordshire. Transactions of the British Bryological Society3: 509-557.

Tipper, C. 2009. Bryophytes new to Hertfordshire (VC20) from 1960 to 2008. The Hertfordshire NaturalistVol 41 Part 2: 182-190

Tipper, C. 2010. Hertfordshire Bryophytes: an annotated checklist of the mosses and liverworts of Hertfordshire, Vice County 20, recorded since 1960. The Hertfordshire Naturalist Vol 42 Part 1: 34-48.