Past bryology in Oxfordshire
Oxford was home to one of the world’s earliest collections of bryophytes, by Jacob Bobart in the 17 th Century. Since then there have been many eminent bryologists recording mosses and liverworts in Oxfordshire through the centuries. In more recent times, numerous BBS members have added important records to the county’s bryoflora, including Roy Perry, Eustace Jones and George Bloom.
Current bryological activities in Oxfordshire
We currently have no regular calendar of bryological activities in Oxfordshire, however, the Regional Recorder, Dr Oli Pescott, does organise occasional field meetings, and interested members in the region should contact him to find out about any upcoming activities. Dr Pescott can also supply lists of records for sites in Oxfordshire, although these are also available through the NBN Atlas ( Dr Pescott is also very happy to receive records for the vice-county by email, or to verify data entered through iRecord (, he is also happy to receive specimens for determination via the postal address displayed here. BBS records for Oxfordshire are also periodically shared with TVERC (, and vice versa.
The Ashmolean Natural History Society of Oxfordshire (ANHSO) also occasionally run bryophyte identification courses. See for more information.