Upland blanket bog with view to Turlough Hill and Lough Nahanagan, Wicklow Gap
County Wicklow is a varied county with a diverse range of habitats such as mountains to 925m, upland heath, blanket bog, upland crags and loughs, coastal habitats, fen and transition mire, oak woodland and glens and leadmines.
We are currently recording for a ‘Bryophyte Flora of County Wicklow’. If you would like to be involved, or to join our Irish Bryophyte Group, then please e-mail joanne@denyerecology.com
Joanne Denyer, November 2020
Summary of recent recording in Co. Wicklow:
- 1975: BBS summer meeting held in Co. Wicklow
- 2007-2009: Field work for the Bryophyte Red List undertaken by Nick Hodgetts and David Holyoak (funded by National Parks and Wildlife Service, Ireland)
- 2010: Wicklow Mountains National Park recording project (funded by Heritage Council Ireland)
- 2010 – ongoing: Irish Bryophyte Group field meetings (autumn to spring each year)
- 2012 – BBS Autumn meeting one day field trip held at Glendalough National Park
- 2018 – launch of ‘Bryophyte Flora of County Wicklow’ project, led by Joanne Denyer and Rory Hodd
- 2018 – One day recording meeting in February led by Nick Hodgetts to Glendalough National Park
- 2018 – Recording weekend in April for the ‘Bryophyte flora of County Wicklow’ project with visiting bryologists from the UK
- 2019 – BBS ‘summer’ field meeting week 1 (actually held in October due to a clash of dates in the summer)