Tomentypnum nitens

HomeLearningSpecies FinderTomentypnum nitens

Identification notes

This large and showy wetland brown moss is almost revered as moss ‘royalty’ by its fans. Sadly, though, loss of habitat and other causes of decline have rendered it a rare species that has never been seen by many bryologists. Its very presence in a rich fen or calcareous flush invariably indicates really nice habitat where other scarce bryophytes and higher plants are also very likely to be found. It is often associated with e.g. Calliergon giganteum, Scorpidium species and Campylium stellatum, all of which like wetlands where the pH is relatively high (6.0-7.5) but nutrient levels are relatively low. Tomentypnum nitens prefers a situation within such habitat where it is relatively high in relation to the water table.

Read the Field Guide account

Distribution in Great Britain and Ireland

View distribution from the BBS Atlas 2014

Similar Species

Its size, colour and pleated leaves bring to mind Homalothecium species, but they only grow in dry habitats.