
HomeThe SocietyMembership

Our members

The BBS has almost 800 members worldwide. Most members are based in Great Britain and Ireland, but we also have members from such far flung places as Russia, China, Mexico and Thailand.

Benefits of membership


  • A week or fortnight of field work, typically twice yearly during spring and summer in Great Britain and Ireland, and occasionally abroad.
  • An AGM weekend in the autumn, including presentations and demonstrations, a field excursion, and the formal AGM.
  • Workshop weekends giving practical guidance in selected topics. Recent examples of these include a Pleurocarp and an Acrocarp workshop, and a Didymodon workshop with leading expert Jan Kucera.
  • Local meeting groups are organised in many areas of the UK and most welcome – indeed are keen to encourage – beginners.

Details of upcoming meetings and reports of past meetings are published in Field Bryology and on the website.

Regular publications

  • The Journal of Bryology is published in four parts annually and contains original research papers, book reviews, lists of recent bryological literature etc. All issues are available online via the Taylor & Francis website.
  • Our informal Bulletin Field Bryology gives news, notices and articles of general interest in two issues each year. Past issues are available to browse and download on the BBS website.

Activities for members

  • Recording of bryophyte distribution in Great Britain and Ireland on vice-county, 10km grid square and, locally, on a tetrad or even monad basis.
  • Involvement in the compilation of a Red Data Book of endangered species to assist in conservation measures.

Services to members

  • A network of expert referees is ready to help with bryophyte identification. Details are in the Member’s area.
  • An herbarium of voucher specimens may be consulted on request.
  • An extensive library of bryological books and reprints is maintained for the benefit of members. See details on the BBS library page.


  • The BBS Bequest Fund provides grant funding for a range of bryological activities including field work, attending meetings and publishing the results of research. Only members are eligible for these grants. Details and an application form are provided on the Apply for a grant page.