The BBS is an organisational member of the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Trust, which is a charity set up to facilitate the work of the NBN. The NBN in turn is a partnership set up to collate wildlife data from many different organisations within the UK, store it in a standard format, and make the data widely available to individuals and organisations for a multitude of purposes. One way in which this data is made available is through the NBN Atlas. The NBN Atlas quite simply acts as a “data warehouse” for biodiversity information, which can be quickly and easily accessed to understand the distribution of particular species in the UK. Individual records, covering plants, mammals, birds and invertebrates, are stored on the NBN Atlas and these can then be displayed on a map of the UK in a number of different ways. Records submitted to the BBS Recording Secretary will ultimately be uploaded to the NBN Atlas and will be available for anyone to view and download.
You can find out more about the NBN Trust from the links below.
BBS bryophyte records
To view BBS data on the NBN Atlas, you can use the link below. It is then possible to browse records submitted for the 2014 Atlas, records compiled since the Atlas, and records received via iRecord.
View BBS data on the NBN Atlas
Other bryophyte records
Note that other recording organisations (for example, local record centres) may also upload bryophyte records to the NBN Atlas; these will not be shown via the link above but may be viewed and downloaded using the menu options.
đź’ˇ you can view / download a complete list of bryophyte records for a vice-county using a URL similar to this https://regions.nbnatlas.org/Watsonian%20Vice%20Counties/Breconshire#group=Plants&subgroup=Bryophytes&from=1850&to=2023&tab=speciesTab. Just replace ‘Breconshire’ with the name of your vice-county.
The NBN publishes a monthly Newsletter with news and updates from across the Network including from NBN Trust members. You can view previous issues on the NBN Trust website.
More about the NBN Trust
You can find out more about our work in the NBN Trust’s five-year strategy – “Making data work for nature”.  This is a pivotal time, not just for the NBN Trust, but for the entire conservation community and – most importantly – for nature. Urgent and concerted action is essential if we’re to meet the global and UK targets of reversing biodiversity loss by 2030. “Making data work for nature” sets out our ambitions to provide vital evidence for nature’s recovery.
You can read more about our work in the NBN Trust Annual Impact Report 2021/22. Look out for the Impact Report 2022 /23 due out soon.