Useful links

HomeResourcesUseful links

This page lists some of the many websites worldwide that you might find useful. They are organised by broad geographical area: UK, Europe and the rest of the world. There are also some general links at the bottom of the page.

Please let us know if you know of any other useful (bryological!) websites, or if you manage a website that you think might be of interest to BBS members.

Please also notify the website editors of any broken links, by email to

UK-based websites

Biological Records Centre (BRC)

All the BBS recording data is held by the BRC. There is some useful information about recording in general, and links to the NBN gateway for online distribution maps of bryophytes.

Green Light Images

Stephen Buchan’s rapidly expanding portfolio of beautiful images of UK bryophytes can be found here, with further images on Flickr.

LIFE for Welsh Raised Bogs

A conservation website dedicated to the Welsh LIFE project: a 4-year national restoration programme for raised bogs and peatland habitats in Wales.


The UK based charity working for the international conservation of wild plants.

Saving Scotlands Rainforest

The website of the Alliance for Scotland’s Rainforest: a partnership set up to save Scotland’s rainforest/

European websites

These are organised alphabetically by the country in which they are based, followed by some Europe-wide links.

Czech Botanical Society – Bryological/Lichenological Section

News and activities of the CBS plus details of their publication Bryonora.

Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society (BLWG)

News and activities of the BLWG plus distribution and checklists of Dutch bryophytes.

Bryophytes de France

Website dedicated to bryology in France and overseas, with much useful information and links.

French Inventaire National du Patrimione Naturel (INPN)

A French equivalent of the NBN Atlas which has many excellent photos, as well as maps, for each species.

Bryologia Gallica & Ultramarina

A relatively new website with many photos and keys for Mosses and Liverworts in mainland France and overseas. The photos include habitat, close-up and microscope images and are excellent. New images are being added on a daily basis (as of October 2022).

Bildatlas der Moose Deutschlands

Michael Lüth’s website with habitat photographs and photomicrographs of all the mosses of Germany. Links to his publications including the online version of his original Bildatlas.

Checklist of Italian Mosses

Includes a database to generate distributional and ecological data for individual species.

The website doesn’t seem to have been maintained since around 2001, but may be the best available data on bryophyte distribution in Italy.

Nordic Bryological Society

News and activities of the Nordic Bryological Society, plus link to their joint publication with BLWG.

The Norwegian Sphagna: a field colour guide

A pdf of this very useful illustrated key by Kjell Flatberg is available to download.

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Included here because NTNU publishes and hosts the scientific series Gunneria, with digital copies of all issues since its inception in 1971.

Spanish Bryological Society (Sociedad Española de Briología)

News and activities of the SEB. Includes details of the Flora Briofítica Ibérica and a bibliographic database.

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Laboratory of Bryology

Includes bryophyte checklists and Red Data lists, and a bibliography.

Swedish ‘Friends of Bryophytes’ (Mossornas Vänner)

News and activities of this non-profit association, plus details of their publication (in Swedish), Myrinia.

Swiss Association of Bryology and Lichenology (English Version)

Includes a checklist of the bryophytes of Switzerland, a bibliography, some keys and a good page of links, plus downloads and contents of the BRYOLICH newsletter, Meylania.

National Inventory of Swiss Bryophytes

Now available online at the Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques (CJB) website. Fully searchable and includes digital images.

European Committee for the Conservation of Bryophytes

Bringing together European bryologists with an interest in conservation

Bryologisch-lichenologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mitteleuropa (BLAM)

The Bryological and Lichenological Working Group of Central Europe. General information, some good links, contents and some free downloads of their bulletin, Herzogiella and journal, Herzogia

Rest of the world

American Bryological and Lichenological Society

The ABLS holds regular meetings and seminars, organises a specimen exchange, and publishes The Bryologist and Evansia. There is also a useful page of internet resources

Bryophyte Flora of North America

A taxonomic project to describe all the bryophytes of North America. Once published, accounts are moved to the eFloras page (see below), but this website contains accounts for the taxonomic groups currently in progress.

Australian National Botanic Gardens Bryophyte Pages

General background information on bryophytes, with some useful links.

Australian mosses online

A taxonomic site including maps, descriptions and ecological information with some keys. Also includes plates of illustrations for many species.

Musgos de Chile

An evolving site from Juan Larrain Benoit, in Spanish, with images of plants and locations, as well as a bibliography, ecological notes etc.

Hattori Botanical Laboratory

Checklists of Japanese bryophytes; photos of type specimens in the HBL herbarium and links to publications (including Hattoria) on JStage.

Briologia en el INECOL (Mexico)

Website in Spanish, with general introductions to bryophytes, morphology, phylogeny and classification of mosses.

Mexican Bryology

Website by Claudio Delgadillo Moya with images, a catalogue of type specimens held in the national herbarium, literature references and a downloadable database with bibliographic information of Mexican species.

Missouri Botanical Garden : Bryology Home Page

A tremendously useful site including the Index of Mosses database W³MOST, bryological glossary, on-line bibliographic database and links to other sites:

Moss Checklist of Chile

Moss Flora of Central America

Checklist of Thai mosses

Moss Flora of China

New Zealand Plant Conservation Network

Mainly useful for its searchable online database of New Zealand flora, with a page for each species including images, descriptions, status etc. Unfortunately many pages are incomplete but still a useful resource.

General links

International Association of Bryologists (IAB)

International body for bryologists which produces publications (including the newsletter The Bryological Times) and organises regular meetings.

The Bryological Times is openly accessible to the public (except for the latest issue) at

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)/ Species Survival Commission (SSC) Bryophyte specialist group

Information and links to reports from the IUCN SSC Bryophyte Specialist Group.

Bryophyte Ecology

Janice Glime’s textbook on Bryophyte Ecology is appearing on the web as a series of pdf files as they are written. There is a wealth of interesting information here and plenty of good illustrations.

Introduction to the Anthocerotophyta

A useful introduction to Hornwort biology.

Genera of the Pottiaceae: Mosses of Harsh Environments

An electronic version of Richard Zander’s fascinating book (published in 1993)

Liverwort chemistry and chemosystematics

David Rycroft’s pages on his research interests include many liverwort images.


Electronic floras from various countries, including some bryophyte floras.


A collection of scanned historical bryology books, available to download.