Wild Flower Society Meeting Autumn 2024: Shropshire

HomeEventsWild Flower Society Meeting Autumn 2024: Shropshire

20 September 2024 - 21 September 2024 (10:30 - 16:00)

The BBS has been invited to participate in a Wild Flower Society meeting in Shropshire. The meeting is being led by Matt Jones and is to be an Autumn Extravaganza looking at flowering plants, bryophytes and fungi.

Booking is essential (see details).

Meeting details

Leader: Matt Jones (WFS), with Martin Godfrey, Philippa Thompson and the BBS vice-county recorder Mark Lawley assisting.

This two-day meeting will visit Llynclys Common and Llanymynech Rocks in Shropshire and offers a good opportunity for people wishing to expand their experience of bryophytes in the field. The Wild Flower Society have generously offered to make 10 place available to members of the BBS.

The first day will be at Llynclys Common where there is an extraordinary variety of habitats over a small area, ancient woods, meadow, scrub, screes, old quarries, sunny glades, a pond, and big skies!

The second day will start at Llanymynech Rocks. Other nature reserves within a mile include Sweeney Fen and Dolgoch Quarry which could be visited as time allows. There will be a good range of the commoner calcicole species as well as many rarities recorded across the area. There are several records for Bryum canariense and other rare Tortella and Entosthodon species.

For additional background reading on the bryophyte flora of Shropshire, please check out the Vice-county page.

Vascular plants include Autumn Lady’s Tresses Spiranthes spiralis, Autumn Gentian Gentianella amarella, Common Calamint Clinopodium ascendens, Blue Fleabane Erigeron acris and the fruits of Herb Paris Paris quadrifolia. There could be an opportunity to see a number of rare fungi including the Blue Elfcup and John and Monika Walton, VC fungi recorders for Warwickshire will also be attending.

For further information, please check the WFS website at https://thewildflowersociety.org.uk/event/friday-20th-and-saturday-21st-september-an-autumn-extravaganza-shropshire/.

To book, contact Janet John wfs.meetings@gmail.com or phone 01753 88449, stating that you are a BBS member.

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Llynclys Common and Llanymynech Rocks, Shropshire