Spring meeting 2024: Hungary

HomeEventsSpring meeting 2024: Hungary

6 April 2024 - 13 April 2024

As of October 2023, registration is now closed for this meeting. If you would like to be added to a waiting list in the event of cancellations, please let Peter Erzberger (erzberger.peter@gmail.com) know.

Meeting organizers: Peter Erzberger, Berlin, and Beáta Papp, Budapest.

Local secretary: Peter Erzberger

We will travel to different locations in the country by bus from Budapest and Eger, where we will stay for some nights each. Excursions will include calcareous grasslands and limestone rocks in the vicinity of the capital and in the Bükk Mts (NE Hungary) (expected highlights: Asterella saccata, Mannia fragrans, Oxymitra incrassata, Riccia ciliifera, Crossidium squamiferum, Mannia triandra, Bryum [Ptychostomum] funkii), volcanic grasslands and siliceous boulder scree at Börzsöny and Visegräd Mts (Grimmia plagiopodia, Syntrichia caninervis var. gypsophila, Crossidium squamiferum, Brachythecium geheebii, Lescuraea saviana), saline grassland (Entosthodon hungaricus) and loess cliffs (Hilpertia velenovskyi) in the lowlands and forests in the colline Cserhát Mts (Anacamptodon splachnoides, Zygodon [Codonoblepharon] forsteri).