NWNFPG: Treborth Botanic Gardens

HomeEventsNWNFPG: Treborth Botanic Gardens

21 October 2023

The North Wales non-flowering plant group will be holding an open day at Treborth Botanic Gardens on October 21st to mark National Moss Day.

Meeting details

The North Wales non-flowering plant group will be leading two guided walks at Treborth Botanic Gardens on October 21st to mark National Moss Day.

The gardens are producing a moss trail to celebrate the Centenary year of the British Bryological Society (BBS) and this will be an opportunity to be guided around the trail by local bryologists from the BBS. The walks will be at 10-12pm or in the afternoon 2-4pm. There will also be an opportunity to have a look at bryophytes under the microscopes in the lab.

Booking is essential as numbers will be limited. Book your place on Eventbrite using the button below (under the map). For any other queries please contact Philippa Thompson (philippabryology@outlook.com).


Treborth Botanic Garden