This page will list recent updates to the website, to make it easier for you to keep up to date.
News posts won’t be included as they automatically appear on the Home page. Similarly upcoming events are shown on the Home page and won’t be included here (unless there is an important update to a National meeting).
ID notes have been added for the following species:
Blindiadelphus recurvatus
Bryum weigelii
Drepanolejeunea hamatifolia
Ephemerum serratum
Mesoptychia badensis
Microbryum curvicollum
Scapania nemorea
Scapania undulata
Seligeria donniana
Seligeria patula
Schistidium platyphyllum
Several images of reproductive structures in mosses and liverworts have been added to the Phenology Project page to assist in identification of these structures.
The latest Cumulative Index has been uploaded, with entries up to Journal of Bryology 46 (3) and Field Bryology 132
ID notes have been added for the following species:
Didymodon cordatus
Didymodon glaucus
Plagiopus oederianus
Plagiochila britannica
Pterygoneurum ovatum
Pterygoneurum papillosum
Rhynchostegiella litorea
Rhytidium rugosum
New images of var. calva have also been added to Syntrichia montana
The New membership Management System post has been updated with details of what existing members need to do during January.
ID notes and some new images have been added for the following species:
Anthoceros agrestis
Drepanocladus lycopodioides
Grimmia crinita
Mnium thomsonii
Philonotis capillaris
Trichostomum brachydontium
Trichostomum herzogii
Trichostomum littorale
ID notes have been added for the following species:
Cololejeunea microscopica
Kandaea elodes
Lejeunea patens
Plagiochila exigua
Riccardia palmata
Scapania irrigua
Sematophyllum demissum
Sphagnum platyphyllum
Splachnum ampullaceum
The recording spreadsheets (available at have been updated to incorporate changes to the ‘To transfer’ spreadsheet for iRecord uploads. If you use the iRecord spreadsheet upload, then you should download these versions as it will make the upload more straightforward.
There are no changes to the printed and PDF versions.
There have been some significant changes to the list of moss Referees recently. If you are sending specimens to a Referee for advice, please check the latest list at members log in).
We are deeply indebted to Mark Hill who has been a hard-working Referee for Sphagnum and other genera for many years. His responsibilities have been shared between David Bell, Neil Bell, Sean O’Leary and Sharon Pilkington, whose contact details are on the Referees page.
ID notes have been added for the following species:
Hyocomium armoricum
Jungermannia pumila
Metzgeria consanguinea
Pseudephemerum nitidum
Ptilidium ciliare
Rhizomnium punctatum
Rhynchostegium alopecuroides
Sphagnum affine
Sphenolobus minutus
Tortula subulata
Details of meetings of the London Bryophyte Group from October 2024 to April 2025 have now been published. See
Videos of this webinar held in May 2024 are now available – links in the event description.
Species Finder page created for Tortula wilsonii
ID notes have been added for the following species:
Bryum algovicum
Entosthodon attenuatus
Grimmia torquata
Hennediella heimii
Hypnum jutlandicum
Polytrichum commune
Polytrichum formosum
Reboulia hemisphaerica
Sphagnum divinum
ID notes and some new images have been added for the following species:
Physcomitrium pyriforme
Platyhypnum duriusculum
Pseudanomodon attenuatus
Riccardia multifida
Sphagnum inundatum
Sphagnum rubellum
Ulota calvescens
Weissia brachycarpa
Weissia condensa
The latest issue of Field Bryology is now online for BBS members only, and the May 2024 issue has been made available to non-members.
The dates and locations of most of the National field meetings for 2025 have now been published at You may wish to check these out and register interest, as places may be limited, particularly for the Freiburg meeting.
New versions of the printable and digital recording cards for SE England, Middle Britain and Ireland, modified to include Tortula acaulon rather than the subspecies Tortula acaulon var. acaulon. Available to download:
A spreadsheet version of Des Callaghan’s 2023 IUCN Red List of the bryophytes of Britain is now available to download from the Conservation status page within Resources (
ID notes have been added for the following species:
Cololejeunea calcarea
Cololejeunea rossettiana
Homomallium incurvatum
Hypnum andoi
Polytrichum perigoniale
Sphagnum molle
Sphagnum papillosum
ID notes have been added for the following species:
Acaulon triquetrum
Ditrichum heteromallum
Flexitrichum gracile
Rhodobryum roseum
Tortula acaulon
One or more new images have been added to the following species:
Anthelia julacea
Calypogeia fissa
Campylophyllopsis calcarea
Campylopus introflexus
Cephalozia curvifolia
Conocephalum conicum
Didymodon insulanus
Frullania dilatata
Hennediella stanfordensis
Homalothecium lutescens
Hygrohypnella ochracea
Hypnum cupressiforme
Lepidozia cupressina
Lophocolea semiteres
Metzgeria furcata
Myrinia pulvinata
Odontoschisma sphagni
Plagiochila asplenioides
Plagiochila porelloides
Plagiomnium undulatum
Pogonatum aloides
Pohlia lescuriana
Riccardia palmata
Syntrichia laevipila
Tetraphis pellucida
Tortula caucasica
ID notes have been added for the following species:
Bryum canariense
Cephaloziella baumgartneri
Chiloscyphus polyanthos
Conardia compacta
Ctenidium molluscum
Dicranella rufescens
Didymodon tophaceus
Funaria hygrometrica
Gymnocolea inflata
Hedwigia stellata
Philonotis fontana
Pleurozium schreberi
Pogonatum urnigerum
Pohlia annotina
Pohlia wahlenbergii
Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans
New versions of the digital recording cards (spreadsheets) for SE England, Middle Britain and NW Scotland, fixing an error with the calculation of unique reference numbers. Available to download:
ID notes have been added for the following species:
Blasia pusilla
Dichodontium pellucidum
Lophocolea bidentata
Lophocolea heterophylla
Lunularia cruciata
New versions of the recording cards and spreadsheets, using the 2021 Census Catalogue names, are now available to download:
ID notes and additional images have been added for the following species:
Dicranella heteromalla
Fissidens polyphyllus
Metzgeria violacea
Polytrichum piliferum
Pseudocrossidium revolutum
Schistidium rivulare
Sphagnum quinquefarium
Sphagnum tenellum
Tortella fasciculata
Tortella tortuosa
A draft programme with lots of site information, and a Risk Assessment have been added to the Lincoln meeting page
ID notes have been added for the following species:
Aulacomnium palustre
Campylopus fragilis
Lophocolea semiteres
Palustriella commutata
Pellia epiphylla
Pohlia lutescens
Radula complanata
Rhytidiadelphus loreus
Riccardia chamedryfolia
ID notes and additional images have been added for the following species:
Amphidium mougeotii
Calypogeia arguta
Encalypta vulgaris
Fissidens fontanus
Frullania fragilifolia
Plagiothecium undulatum
The latest version of Nick Hodgett’s Keys to British and Irish Bryophytes using field and microscope characters, including for the first time a key to Liverworts.
Available on the Bryophyte Identification page under Resources
ID notes have been added for the following species:
Hylocomiadelphus triquetrus
Lepidozia reptans
Orthotrichum sprucei
Plagiomnium affine
Pleuridium acuminatum
Pleuridium subulatum
Sphagnum teres
ID notes have been added for the following species:
Distichium capillaceum
Homalia trichomanoides
Homalothecium lutescens
Microbryum rectum
Didymodon sinuosus
The latest Cumulative Index has been uploaded, with entries up to Journal of Bryology 45 (3) and Field Bryology 130
Published: 8 January 2025